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1. Kottler E.J., K. Shanebeck & S. Collinge. (2023) Allyship requires action, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21: 163–163.


2. Kottler, E.J. & K. Gedan (2022) Sexual reproduction is light-limited as marsh grasses colonize maritime forest. American Journal of Botany.

3.Kottler, E. J., E. E. Dickman, J. P. Sexton, N. C. Emery, and S. J. Franks (2021). Draining the Swamping Hypothesis: Little Evidence that Gene Flow Reduces Fitness at Range Edges. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

4.* Kottler, E. J. & K. Gedan (2020) Seeds of change: characterizing the soil seed bank of a migrating salt marsh, Annals of Botany 125(2), 335-344.

5.* Kottler, E. J., A. VanWallendael, & S.J. Franks (2018) Experimental Treatment with a Hypomethylating Agent Alters Life History Traits and Fitness in Brassica rapa, Journal of Botany, vol. 2018, Article ID 7836845.


*Published under prior first and middle name (same initials).

In Review

6. Kottler, E. J., M. Hamilton & K. Gedan. Phenotypic plasticity drives trait variation of foundation marsh species migrating into coastal forest with sea-level rise. Ecology.


7. Cocciardi, J. M., A. Hoffman, D. Alvarado-Serrano, J. Anderson, M. Blumstein, E. Boehm, L. Bolin, I. Borokini, G. Bradburd, H. Branch, L. Brudvig, Y. Chen, S. Collins, D. Des Marais, D. Gamba, N. Hanan, M. Howard, J. Jaros., T. Juenger, N. Kooyers, E. Kottler , J. Lau, M. Menon, D. Moeller, T. Mozdzer, S. Sheth, K. Toll, M. Ungerer, M. Vahsen, S. Wadgymar, A. Waananen, K. Whitney & M. Avolio. The value of long-term ecological research for evolutionary insights. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

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